Wide Awake Podcast

Surviving South Africa's Most Notorious Cult

Episode Summary

In this episode of the Wide Awake Podcast I speak to Erika Bornman and Celimpilo Malinga about their experience of living in a South African cult called Kwasizabantu. We start the podcast by talking about their past and how they ended up at KSB. We then dive into some of the shocking details that surround this cult. Make sure you listen to this episode all the way through so you don't miss out on the dramatic conclusion.

Episode Notes

In this episode of the Wide Awake Podcast I speak to Erika Bornman and Celimpilo Malinga about their experience of living in a South African cult called Kwasizabantu. We start the podcast by talking about their past and how they ended up at KSB. We then dive into some of the shocking details that surround this cult. Make sure you listen to this episode all the way through so you don't miss out on the dramatic conclusion.